I woke up at 6:00, just right because I went to bed early last night
By 8:00 I’ve had some cups of tea, breakfast with Greg, jogging with the dogs, stretching, prayer time, and a core workout. Told some family members and friends that I was thinking of them. Greg and I divide up tasks for the day over a final cup of tea. He’s contacting people and making copies for the agricultural training with pastors in Goshen Zone this week. I’m working from home.
10:30 Mondays are my day to work on projects for the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. I’ve incorporated feedback and nearly-finalized a module introducing the role of lifestyle in chronic disease management. This module might help familiarize all sorts of people with the healing that Lifestyle Medicine can offer. The work might also help pay the rent in our incredible house all year. I only meant to work for an hour at first, but it’s hard to pull myself away.
11:00 I walk around the garden with Golden and discuss ideas for composting, replenishing soil in eroded patches of the yard, and building a jogging trail. I sip an iced tea as I check my phone. New plans formulate to assist an Nkhoma Family Medicine resident in a publication sharing how we’ve assisted a rural clinic with chronic disease management. Maybe we’ll present on this at the American Academy of Family Physicians Global Health Symposium next fall.
12:00 Time for some smaller projects. I snack on freshly cut veggies as I communicate with Roberta about a time to talk about how we might collaborate in helping refugees. I e-mail one patient about her muscle spasms and medication interactions and another about plans for her child’s Mumps vaccination. I tell one patient I am excited to see her in the office tomorrow to discuss “another issue.” That reminds me about some patients who said they would see me about sensitive issues in mental health and reproduction. They haven’t booked yet, so I’ll check in with them and encourage them about that. I check in with some church ladies back home who have been praying for us, thanking them for their prayers and letting them know that I’ll be praying for the new requests they sent over.
1:30 Lunchtime. Greg brought home some protein to top our salad. We ate most of our lettuce yesterday so I pick some extra greens from the garden on the side of our house. We briefly enjoy the sunshine on our porch and divide up tasks for the rest of the day.
2:30 Back to work. Exploring best-practice lifestyle guidelines and evidence-based research this time. Greg goes to pick up printed handouts for Wednesday.
4:00 Break for hummus and carrots. Greg finally connects with the trainer, trying to set up a time to meet tomorrow. We connect him with the pastors. Then back to work for just a few final things.
5:00 Running with the dogs around the neighborhood before it gets dark. Enjoyed watching the rise of a beautiful Supermoon on a background of pink and purple as I turned sequential 1 km laps. We greet our guard Mr. Lighton and ask him to water a bit tonight.
6:30 dinner break, Greg made leftovers. We eat in 12 minutes. I check my e-mail, send off some quick feedback to another doctor who might collaborate with me for a presentation at the Global Health Symposium next fall. Moving forward nicely.
7:00 Very productive Zoom meeting. I have enough additional things to work on to keep me busy for a while. I have to trust that I’ll remember them by tomorrow, otherwise I’ll never get to sleep.
8:30 Check e-mail again. The patient with muscle spasms has booked to see me soon after the “another issue” patient starts her appointment. I advise that I will do my best to go quickly but might be late. I put my spare nerve stimulation unit on the desk by my doctors bag so I can loan it out to her if necessary. I thought of adding my tub of sore muscle cream to the bag. On second thought, mine is already opened and I need that for myself… Review a contract for this work I’m doing. Send off an e-mail to negotiate for more time due to delays already incurred.
8:45 Computer abandoned in office, check phone. Decide to call a family member. Really enjoyed that, but sending a follow up e-mail afterward took a bit longer than expected.